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Fun Time

Every now and then we here at Ace Towers take a break from excavating discographical databases or spooling through the vast archive of multiple takes on the tapes and kick back and have a little funtime. In the golden ages of the 50s and 60s, novelty records were surprisingly successful and as the technology improved the opportunity to make funny noises with speeded-up tapes and other devices proved irresistible to many producers in search of a hit, regardless. They were mostly aimed directly at teens and the appeal was to the juvenile sense of humour or even angst. But they retain an often quaint charm, tapping into our younger selves. Wow, it went all serious and psychologicalistic there for a moment and that’s not the point, mostly its just plain stupid and none the worse for it.

main photo caption: The Bootles as featured on Beatlemaniacs

Selected releases

  • Beatlemaniacs!!!

    Yeah! Yeah Yeah! with the occasional No!! No!!, but mostly in praise of the fab-est of foursomes as they became the coolest guys on the planet and everyone wanted-in on the action. Such was their success that hundreds of tributes and covers were spawned, along with some gear answer records. Immerse yourself vicariously in the screaming mayhem.

  • Dead!

    Hey, you’re only dead once but it sure lasts along time, so while you’re still hangin’ around, why not have a little fun with the more amusing side of eternity. These paeons to premature passing are certainly loaded with tragedy, but their sheer kitsch naivety combined with naked emotion make them irresistible. Well that’s if your sense of humour stretches to 24 ways to leave the planet, mostly suddenly.

  • These Ghoulish Things

    It’s a monster mash up for the season of the witches, warlocks, werewolves, mummys, vampires, zombies and things that go bump in the night. A parade of ghouls from the twilight zone twist and scream in a musical feast of horror humour guaranteed to scare the living daylights out of young and old. Yeah – really – watch out behind you behind you. Oh NO!!!

  • Great Googa Mooga

    These 26 indisputable truths from some of the finest minds in rock’n’roll almost certainly contain the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything and it isn’t 42. But it is also a hilarious romp through the outer limits of musical taste with a menu of gibbering, mumbling and verbal pyrotechnics that will leave you reeling in the face of their sheer profundity.

  • Feline Groovy

    For all you sophisticated cats out there, this purrrfect CD soundtrack to the feline lifestyle is also guaranteed to delight and to amuse cat lovers as well as their owners everywhere. So sit back and relax with a nice bowl of milk and languish in these 24 tuneful delights. Compiled by cool cats for cool cats (and kittens).

  • Novelty Edition

    Novelty records were the court jesters of rock’n’roll, tapping into the fears, obsessions, fads and cultural mores of the time, using sci-fi, horror movies and TV characters as their main sources of inspiration. Here are the 30 that brightened up the charts and put a smile on everybody’s face.