string(3) "dev" Various Artists (Theme Time Radio Hour) - Ace Records

Various Artists (Theme Time Radio Hour)

Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour is an essential strand in a process of renewal and revelation that has hallmarked the man’s seventh decade.

Dylan’s emergence as a funny, fastidious and impeccably informed DJ is perfectly in keeping with his role as the award-winning autobiographer of Chronicles, the wily big screenwriter of Masked And Anonymous and the ink and water colour art Bob presented recently in The Drawn Blank Series at the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz museum in Germany. And, of course, Bob the DJ is an essential counterpart to Bob the indefatigable live performer who regularly breathes fresh, unexpected life into old and new songs – his own and others – on his 100 plus gigs a year. It is small wonder that he should put so much care, attention and detail into his broadcasts. As a child growing up in the Minnesota rust belt, it was through the magic of the radio that Dylan first heard the myriad performers who would inspire his future career.

For full details see releases/products below.

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