string(3) "dev" Various Artists (Fun Time) - Ace Records

Various Artists (Fun Time)

Every now and then we here at Ace Towers take a break from excavating discographical databases or spooling through the vast archive of multiple takes on the tapes and kick back and have a little funtime. In the golden ages of the 50s and 60s, novelty records were surprisingly successful and as the technology improved the opportunity to make funny noises with speeded-up tapes and other devices proved irresistible to many producers in search of a hit, regardless. They were mostly aimed directly at teens and the appeal was to the juvenile sense of humour or even angst. But they retain an often quaint charm, tapping into our younger selves. Wow, it went all serious and psychologicalistic there for a moment and that’s not the point, mostly its just plain stupid and none the worse for it.

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