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Lemmy was one of the last of the original generation of true rock’n’rollers.

In today’s world, where most of what passes for rock’n’roll has but the most tenuous connection with the real thing, Lemmy never let us down. A Motorhead show could always be depended on to deliver the highest energy down-the-line rock’n’roll.

Drawing inspiration directly from Little Richard, Gene Vincent, Chuck Berry, Larry Williams and other greats from the fifties and sixties, Motorhead’s music encapsulated the true spirit of Lemmy’s rock‘n’roll heroes.

In my opinion the Lemmy / Phil Taylor / Fast Eddie Clarke line-up, was THE classic version of Motorhead. However, Lemmy went to great lengths throughout the years to hire the most suitable musicians available, to ensure that the band kept the rock’n’roll flag flying high.

In 1977 Motorhead was on the verge of breaking up when Ace’s predecessor, Chiswick Records offered the band a one-off deal, agreeing to release a Motorhead single and album, both of which charted and helped establish the band as a cornerstone of hard rock / heavy metal. Lemmy, Phil and Eddie are on record as saying that without Chiswick Records “There would be no Motorhead”.

Hugely influential, MOTORHEAD was LEMMY and LEMMY was MOTORHEAD, a band whose music stemmed directly from all the great wild rockers of the past.

Ted Carroll

Click here to watch the documentary Motörhead: the Guts and the Glory