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OK, who out there agrees with Ace that the world’s greatest dog-walker, original “Tiger Man” and former oldest living teenager/funkiest man alive Rufus Thomas ought to be in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame by now?

Right, that’s everybody then. So what are we going to do about it?

Well, fortunately for us we don’t have to do much, as Rufus’ daughter (and friend of Ace) Vaneese is already doing all she can to make it happen. Vaneese has a petition on her website and is asking all lovers of Memphis music to log on and sign that petition. She needs all the signatures she can get, so get your friends to do it too.

Fine artists they might all be in their own way but if the likes of Heart, Rush and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are in, there’s really no excuse for Rufus not to be – so log on to and add your name to the list right now! 

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