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The Soul Discography Volume 3

The third and final volume of The Soul Discography has finally arrived and it’s been well worth the wait. Just as the second installment grew a hundred or so pages fatter than the first, the third one continues the trend clocking in at an amazing 752 pages. With this volume a further 3,581 artists/groups have been covered.

In the three volumes 10,184 artists discographies have now been covered. From single session one-off’s to those with multi page entries.

The golden window of 1960 to 1980 is happily violated wherever necessary. A granddaddy clause is granted for those with proto-soul roots from the 50s and a lifetime residency for the brave and faithful who continued their careers past the goalposts right up until the present time.

With any work of this magnitude something will inevitably be found that is missing. Part of the reason is due to the massive scope of the soul music field. Perimeters had to be set. So who’s not in here?

1        Non African-American acts, although there were, of course, some fine non-derivative Caucasian purveyors of soul, the line had to be drawn somewhere.

2        Those artists more comfortable in a jazz setting (and therefore already covered in other discographies).

3        Those that began their recording careers after 1980.

All three volumes are available now directly from the publisher at