string(3) "dev" Larry Williams - Ace Records

Larry Williams

Larry Williams was born in 1935 in New Orleans. In the early 50s his family moved to California where he became attracted to the local R&B scene. In 1957 he was signed by Specialty Records, the home of his hero Little Richard, where ‘Short Fat Fannie’, ‘Bony Moronie’, ‘Slow Down’ and ‘Dizzy Miss Lizzy’ all became classics, influencing a generation of British musicians, including John Lennon. The late 60s found him in producer role rejuvenating Little Richard’s career and cutting some hot tracks of his own with Johnny “Guitar” Watson. Always on the fringes of the drug-dealing criminal underworld, Larry was shot dead in 1970, but he left a superb catalogue of hits that all featured his raw and impassioned vocals.

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