string(3) "dev" Eddie Cochran - Ace Records

Eddie Cochran

Born in 1938 in Minnesota, Eddie Cochran’s family moved to Los Angeles in 1951. After leading a school trio, in 1955 he formed the Cochran Brothers with Hank Cochran (no relation) and met Jerry Capehart, who became his manager and producer. The following year he was signed to Liberty, cutting the fabulous rocker ‘Skinny Jim’ and appearing in the film The Girl Can’t Help It singing ‘Twenty Flight Rock’. 1958 saw major hits with ‘Summertime Blues’ and ‘C’mon Everybody’, assuring his place in rock’n’roll history. His records were characterised by his fine guitar work, best exemplified on ‘Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie’, which attracted many guitarists to meet him when he toured the UK in 1960. The visit ended in tragedy when he died from car crash injuries, cutting short the life of one of the best US rock’n’rollers.

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