string(3) "dev" Dana Gillespie - Ace Records

Dana Gillespie

Dana Gillespie must spend at least a quarter of her life on aeroplanes as she is endlessly touring and bringing her vibrant, thrilling and mostly self-penned blues all over the world with destinations ranging from Samarkand, Siberia and San Francisco.

Her latest offering reveals an ultra-contemporary take on her view of the human condition, heavily featuring love, loss, isolation and ultimate acceptance. Dana is the cover artist on the current issue of Blues In Britain, in which she recounts how the “I Rest My Case” came together:

“It was kind of a joy to do; it’s joyous music in a way. I don’t usually pour how I am feeling into a lyric, but having just broken up with someone, after 25 years, that started a few ideas. I would never have written about the falling to pieces of a relationship had it not happened. The album took two days to record but the secret to having it sound really great is having it mixed well. I always mix at Wolf Studios in Brixton where I do all my Indian stuff, all my Mustique stuff, all with ProTools. The engineer is Dominic Brethes; he’s got such great ears that you really get separation; every instrument sounding marvellous.”

As well as her extensive touring and recording activities, Dana is progressing with her memoirs and continues to organise the Mustique blues festival every year.

For the full interview with Dana see the current issue of Blues In Britain:

Visit Dana's official homepage:


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